Thursday, 27 August 2020

Is it possible to make abstract classes in Python?

 Use the abc module to create abstract classes. Use the abstractmethod decorator to declare a method abstract, and declare a class abstract using one of three ways, depending upon your Python version.

In Python 3.4 and above, you can inherit from ABC. In earlier versions of Python, you need to specify your class's metaclass as ABCMeta. Specifying the metaclass has different syntax in Python 3 and Python 2. The three possibilities are shown below:

# Python 3.4+
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Abstract(ABC):
    def foo(self):
# Python 3.0+
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Abstract(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def foo(self):
# Python 2
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Abstract:
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def foo(self):

Whichever way you use, you won't be able to instantiate an abstract class that has abstract methods, but will be able to instantiate a subclass that provides concrete definitions of those methods:

>>> Abstract()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Abstract with abstract methods foo
>>> class StillAbstract(Abstract):
...     pass
>>> StillAbstract()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class StillAbstract with abstract methods foo
>>> class Concrete(Abstract):
...     def foo(self):
...         print('Hello, World')
>>> Concrete()
<__main__.Concrete object at 0x7fc935d28898>

from :

Python Multiple Inheritance



class Base1:

class Base2:

class MultiDerived(Base1, Base2):

from :

“ImportError: No module named” when trying to run Python script

 import sys

import os

module_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())    

if module_path not in sys.path:       


from :

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary and increment it


Use dict.setdefault():

>>> d = {1: 'one'}
>>> d.setdefault(1, '1')
>>> d    # d has not changed because the key already existed
{1: 'one'}
>>> d.setdefault(2, 'two')
>>> d
{1: 'one', 2: 'two'}

from :

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Match words that don't start with a certain letter using regex


With regex

Use the negative set [^\Wt] to match any alphanumeric character that is not t. To avoid matching subsets of words, add the word boundary metacharacter, \b, at the beginning of your pattern.

Also, do not forget that you should use raw strings for regex patterns.

import re

text = 'this is a test'
match = re.findall(r'\b[^\Wt]\w*', text)

print(match) # prints: ['is', 'a']

See the demo here.

Without regex

Note that this is also achievable without regex.

text = 'this is a test'
match = [word for word in text.split() if not word.startswith('t')]

print(match) # prints: ['is', 'a']

from :

To be brief, with Python you must trust it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission

    x = s['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value']['numeric-id']
except KeyError:

The answer

Here is how I deal with nested dict keys:

def keys_exists(element, *keys):
    Check if *keys (nested) exists in `element` (dict).
    if not isinstance(element, dict):
        raise AttributeError('keys_exists() expects dict as first argument.')
    if len(keys) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('keys_exists() expects at least two arguments, one given.')

    _element = element
    for key in keys:
            _element = _element[key]
        except KeyError:
            return False
    return True


data = {
    "spam": {
        "egg": {
            "bacon": "Well..",
            "sausages": "Spam egg sausages and spam",
            "spam": "does not have much spam in it"

print 'spam (exists): {}'.format(keys_exists(data, "spam"))
print 'spam > bacon (do not exists): {}'.format(keys_exists(data, "spam", "bacon"))
print 'spam > egg (exists): {}'.format(keys_exists(data, "spam", "egg"))
print 'spam > egg > bacon (exists): {}'.format(keys_exists(data, "spam", "egg", "bacon"))


spam (exists): True
spam > bacon (do not exists): False
spam > egg (exists): True
spam > egg > bacon (exists): True

It loop in given element testing each key in given order.

I prefere this to all variable.get('key', {}) methods I found because it follows EAFP.

Function except to be called like: keys_exists(dict_element_to_test, 'key_level_0', 'key_level_1', 'key_level_n', ..). At least two arguments are required, the element and one key, but you can add how many keys you want.

If you need to use kind of map, you can do something like:

expected_keys = ['spam', 'egg', 'bacon'] 

keys_exists(data, *expected_keys) 

from :