Friday, 15 October 2021

partial string formatting

 s = '{foo} {bar}'

s.format(foo='FOO', bar='{bar}')


Saturday, 9 October 2021

How to check if one dictionary is a subset of another larger dictionary?


In Python 3, you can use dict.items() to get a set-like view of the dict items. You can then use the <= operator to test if one view is a "subset" of the other:

d1.items() <= d2.items()

In Python 2.7, use the dict.viewitems() to do the same:

d1.viewitems() <= d2.viewitems()

In Python 2.6 and below you will need a different solution, such as using all():

all(key in d2 and d2[key] == d1[key] for key in d1)



Friday, 1 October 2021

Sort JSON object using json.dumps()

 # Import the JSON module

import json

# Array of JSON Objects
products = [{"name": "HDD", "brand": "Samsung", "price": 100},
            {"name": "Monitor", "brand": "Dell", "price": 120},
            {"name": "Mouse", "brand": "Logitech", "price": 10}]

# Read and print the original data
print("The original data:\n{0}".format(products))
# Convert into the JSON object after sorting
sorted_json_data = json.dumps(products, sort_keys=True)
# Print the sorted JSON data
print("The sorted JSON data based on the keys:\n{0}".format(sorted_json_data))
