Friday 4 September 2020

How do I loop through **kwargs in Python?

 For Python 3 users:

You can iterate through kwargs with .items()

subject = obj.subject
body = obj.body
for key, value in kwargs.items():
    subject = subject.replace('[%s]' % key.toupper(), value)
    body = body.replace('[%s]' % key.toupper(), value)

return (subject, body, obj.is_html)

For Python 2 users:

You can iterate through kwargs with .iteritems():

subject = obj.subject
body = obj.body
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
    subject = subject.replace('[%s]' % key.toupper(), value)
    body = body.replace('[%s]' % key.toupper(), value)

return (subject, body, obj.is_html)

from :

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